Sunday, May 23, 2010

Reds’ Homestudy Week of May 24 - 28

Reading: Reading Group Assignment due Friday
5th Grade Math: Math’s Mate T4S6 due on Friday
Finish class assignment.
4th Grade Math: As assigned by Coco.
Spursive: Put the words in ABC order and then write the list in cursive.
Due Tuesday.

Reading: Reading Group Assignment due Friday
5th Grade Math: Math’s Mate T4S6 due on Friday
Finish class assignment.
4th Grade Math: As assigned by Coco.
Spursive: Sheet #1 due Wednesday.

Reading: Reading Group Assignment due Friday
5th Grade Math: Math’s Mate T4S6 due on Friday
Finish class assignment.
4th Grade Math: As assigned by Coco.
Spursive: Sheet #2 due Thursday.

Reading: Reading Group Assignment due Friday
5th Grade Math: Math’s Mate T4S6 due on Friday
Finish class assignment.
4th Grade Math: As assigned by Coco.
Spursive: Practice for tomorrow’s spelling test.

Reading: Reading Group Assignment due today!
5th Grade Math: Math’s Mate T4S6 due today!
Finish class assignment.
4th Grade Math: As assigned by Coco

Spelling Lists- May 24 - 28

Mega Words One
1. throat
2. scratch
3. squeeze
4. strawberry
5. squirm
6. through
7. scream
8. threat
9. strength
10. squirt
11. screen
12. strange
13. square
14. thrown
15. squeal

Mega Words Two
1. piece
2. believe
3. again
4. brought
5. neighbor
6. tongue
7. weird
8. height
9. heard
10. hospital
11. field
12. said
13. weight
14. heart
15. pickle

Spelling Book
1. done
2. eight
3. found
4. gave
5. goes
6. keep
7. laugh
8. light
9. long
10. only